Free Inspiration

Squashed: 7 Artist Myths
For as long as artists have been creating there have been myths about what it means to be a professional artist. Stereotypes of the ‘starving artist’ or the ‘eccentric weirdo’ seem to follow us wherever we

How Working Artists Survive Rejection
Rejection is an important part of being an artist – or any creative field actually. So it’s something that you need to learn how to handle with some resiliency. As an artist and as a writer,

My Experience with B-School
When I worked as an art dealer, my schedule was relentless with travel, openings, and sales. I didn’t have time to make my own art. Instead, I wrote all my hopes, dreams and creative aspirations into

He was my competition. And then he was my friend.
The scariest thing happened when I started working as an Artist Coach ten years ago. Back then, the space was brand new. I thought I was pioneering online artist coaching –until one search changed everything. There was

How I Learned To Be An Artist By Going To Church
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been curious about the religions of the world. I started visiting different churches when I was a kid. I wanted to explore the beliefs and rituals and stories

The First Artist I Ever Met
I told Andy about the special place where I ride my bicycle each day. It’s a tiny island in the middle of a pond. I explained how it’s been my destination for years; it’s where I

Do They Like Your Art?
My favorite college professor taught art history. He’d started out life as a photographer, a lifelong dream since he’d mixed his own chemicals in a homemade darkroom under his parents’ stairway. As a young man he’d

The Artist’s Mantra
There are several definitions of artists that I personally subscribe to, but my favorite is this: artists are alchemists. During the Middle Ages, an alchemist was known as someone who could transform base metals into gold. I

The Procrastinating Artist
Is procrastination preventing you from creating a successful art career? Here’s how to fix it. Many artists I know (including myself occasionally!) struggle with procrastination. Especially when it comes to doing the boring stuff that

The Artist’s Dance
We all know artists who do incredible work, but fail to achieve their professional goals. It’s tragic and feels unfair. At the same time, I’ll bet you can also name several artists who enjoy great commercial

To Stop Wishing And Start Doing
For years I wished that I could be a writer and an artist. I wished on every shooting star, straining my neck from the constant upward gaze. I threw a small fortune of pennies into wishing

Framer to the Stars
Though he called himself “Framer to the Stars,” I never saw any stars in Bill’s Custom Frames. But I did see plenty of artists. Every artist has their favorite framers, and ever since I was in

A Christmas Story: How One Artist Found Her Way
A few years ago, I donned an apron as I shared my tragically funny story with a wonderful crowd at Phoenix’s very cool RPela Gallery. It’s the true tale of what happened when I decided to

The Artist’s Journey: How To Best Prepare
How do you prepare for the artist’s journey if you don’t know where you’re going? Spend wisely. When I was selling other people’s art and not making my own art, I filled that empty space inside

How a Blind Artist Taught Me How to See
I was 17 years old and had never met a blind man before. Every day, he sat at the counter of the diner where I poured coffee. The first time we met, he pulled out paper and

Are you asking yourself these questions?
Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of university art students. They always impress me; eager to learn, explore, and ready to change the world. But they’re also scared and unsure if the world

5 Secrets to Build an Audience for Your Art Business
Artists who have a solid audience base most often see consistent sales and growth and new opportunities. But building a target audience is not easy! It’s an investment of time and energy to gather and nurture

A Special Message For You
Last Monday we celebrated International Artists Day by meeting up LIVE in my Facebook Group. It was great to see so many artists there and sharing a toast with this beautiful online community. There, I