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Working as an Artist in 2021

I recently had the honor of opening the Creative Voyage Summit, hosted by the incredible artist Alexis Cohen.  Alexis invited me to set the stage for the summit. So I created a workshop to help artists

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The Biggest Questions Artists Ask

Artists live in the realm of magic. But we also live in the real world, often at the fringes of culture. It’s difficult to navigate both worlds and our unique situation gives rise to challenging questions.

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Artists in Love

Do you remember the first time that you fell in love with art? I do. I was just registering for college, trying to find who and what I wanted to become. Totally lost, I registered as

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Crista Cloutier

How Artists Get Heard Above The Noise

Most artists live extraordinary lives. “Extraordinary” in the sense that they’re outside the norm, the ‘ordinary’ of what other people do. In fact, many artists feel called to live their Truth no matter what the cost.

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How Artists Can Change The World

Since this global pandemic began, I’ve been calling for artists to lead. But how can an artist lead when confined to their house with no resources? How can an artist lead when the whole world seems

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Art is Our Drug of Choice

Do you have a mentor? An Elder Artist who encourages you and shares words of wisdom?  I do. My friend Jaune Quick-to-See Smith is a Native American artist whose powerful paintings have been awarded and featured

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Artist Karen Jilly

Meet Working Artist Karen Jilly

Rewind to the Great Recession of 2008. Galleries closed. Art dealers moved on. Curators chased other professions. Karen Jilly, a mid-career artist who unlocks beauty in deceptively ordinary, forgotten cityscapes, suddenly found herself without key trappings

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Portrait of Artist Wayne Brungard

Meet Artist Wayne Brungard

Wayne Brungard is a self-taught metal artist and experienced fabricator. He creates bold custom art that defines space. However Wayne’s journey to becoming a sculptor, from turning his craft into art, took over 40 years and

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It Takes A Village

As this extraordinary year draws to a close, every artist I know is looking forward in hopes that 2021 will bring happier surprises than 2020. But I want to take this moment to cast my gaze

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price tag that says I want to play guitar really well


One of the first questions I ask aspiring artists is, “What is it that you want?” Invariably the answer has to do with wealth and fame. Heroes named include Damian Hirst and Andy Warhol. And then I sigh,

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Young boy with boxing gloves

How To Be The Greatest

I imagine that you’ve heard of the boxer named Mohammad Ali. When he passed away, the whole world mourned. But Crista, you’re probably asking, what does a boxer have to do with art? A lot, actually.

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So You’re An Artist. Now What?

  So you’ve taken the jump and chosen to be an artist. Now what? Where’s the fabulous gallery opening in New York City? Where are the international collectors to lavish praise and money on you? Where’s

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