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When Artists Feel Rejection

Every artist experiences rejection. Even artists who hit Big Time. Even artists like you. Even artists like me. That’s why I understand when artists say they’re suffering. Rejection never feels good. It happened to me recently.

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Portrait of Crista Cloutier

For Artists Who Crave Feedback

 As artists, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, seeking validation and feedback, wondering if our art resonates with the world. Do you ever feel that way? I made this video to share with you

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On your mark. Get set. Go!

I’m always encouraging artists to JUMP. But what does that even mean? The jump is about following your heart. If you recognize your heart as the very best of yourself, and you acknowledge that this is

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When Artists Lack Motivation

 An artist asked how to fill his time when he didn’t feel particularly motivated or inspired to make something? I know that many artists sometimes struggle to find inspiration. I suggested that he use this

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What the Blind Artist Saw

   Have you ever felt like your creativity wasn’t flowing? Maybe life wasn’t working out? Nothing was going according to plan? Have you ever struggled to keep the faith? In times of crisis I look

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How Artists Create Self-Confidence

   Have you ever found yourself questioning if you’re good enough? Or maybe you overthink something you did or something you said? Sometimes we get stuck in those thoughts, wondering about the judgments and opinions

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Do You Hate Social Media?

Do you hate social media? Do you hate self-promotion? Do you hate the competitiveness? The vacuous echo? The soul-sucking amount of time it takes? I hated all those things too. Yet people were always telling me

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Does Your Art Suck?

Has anyone ever told you that your creative work sucks? If not, just wait. It’ll happen. And when it does, avoid the urge to hide in a hole. Instead, consider it a rite of passage… I’ve

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neon light saying believe

Who Believes in You?

All artists have dreams, wishes and goals. It doesn’t matter whether we keep our light hidden and never share our aspirations with another soul, or we announce our plans loudly to the universe. Either way, as artists,

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Photo of a sculpture that says fine art

Who’s Your Art Hero?

I like a hero as much as the next girl, maybe more. Probably more. But my heroes aren’t action stars, sports legends, nor Kardashians. They’re not even all artists. My heroes tend to be the special

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