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How to Price Art

Are You Pricing Your Art Wrong? Knowing how to price your art can be really intimidating. Trust me I know. It’s one of the things that artists ask me about the most. Do you price your

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Art Students Asks These Questions

Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of university art students. They always impress me; eager to learn, explore, and ready to change the world. But they’re also scared and unsure if the world will welcome

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Crista Cloutier

What Is An Artist Coach?

I was in London, on my way back to the hotel after dinner. At the train station, I asked the man next to me which train to take. We were headed in the same direction, so

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The Artist Manifesto

 Let me ask you a question, Artist to Artist What kind of world do you want to live in? I believe that the world is changing and this is a true opportunity for artists to

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Never Stop Doing

The End of Procrastination

Do you procrastinate? Procrastination is a word I often hear artists use. But procrastination can be more than just postponing tasks and projects. It can become a reason to turn against yourself, to bring all of your

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artist choice

Artist: The Best Choice You Can Make

 Have you ever found yourself questioning if you’re good enough? Have you found yourself overthinking something you did or said? Or wondering why you didn’t get the result you wanted? Are the judgments and opinions

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The Gift My Dad Gave Me

Do you remember when you first knew that you were an artist? I do. It began when my Dad gave me a gift. Let me explain. My parents were divorced and Dad lived far away. Though

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A Retrospective of Your Art

Do you recognize this museum exhibition? I shared this picture a few years ago after I wandered into a museum gallery and discovered an exhibition of my art! Well, not my art exactly. It was a

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Does your family hate your art?

 It’s not impossible to live the artist’s life without the recognition of your loved ones, but it can be exhausting. Don’t forget that people have their own reasons for their feelings. Everyone is telling themselves

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This Defines an Artist

  But what about all the bad stuff that happens to artists? Get over it. No, seriously. Bad stuff is part of the deal in art. Promises will be broken. Calls won’t be returned. Sales will

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are? How many of us are afraid to say who we are and what we want? Afraid of disappointing our parents, our friends, lovers, colleagues? Almost every artist battles the accusing

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