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Photo of a person's hand with ring that says "fear not"

Are You An Artist-Warrior?

I believe that the best artists are Artist Warriors. But instead of taking up arms, we take up brushes and cameras and clay. Artists are warriors of the spirit. Like any warrior, artists must be tested,

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War veteran Jack

He Did It His Way

  Jack was 90 years old and still the town rascal. I first met Jack when he came to my rescue in the pub. I had just moved to England, to Tunbridge Wells, a small town

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What’s the gift?

I have always been right! Handed, that is. It’s my dominant side and I’ve often shuddered at the thought of having to change. Life must have heard me and had a chuckle at my expense. Last

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How Artists Find Their Brand

“It’s really easy to work as an artist!” said no one, ever. Most artists are really challenged when it comes to marketing their own work. Are you? Maybe you can’t place your finger on what your

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Portrait of Artist Ta Thimkaeo

From Sweatshop to Art Studio

Thailand is a place known around the globe for its immense natural beauty, distinctive cuisine and a land punctuated by farmland and rice fields. But what about Thailand as a place known for galleries and art?

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Portrait of an artist named Henrik

The Start Of His Journey

His name was Henrik. He’d been an artist in Hungary until he faced the stark reality that there were no opportunities there. London has the biggest art market in Europe so, like many of us, Henrik

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Photo of a tower made of clocks

The Worst Word An Artist Can Use

If you’re an artist who’s feeling overwhelmed, try striking the word BUSY from your vocabulary. I’m serious! This is potent stuff. A few years ago I realized that I’d been ignoring my heart’s calling because of

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Portrait of Crista Cloutier

Who Will Save You?

I saw him across the crowded room at the high school reunion. The memories came flooding back. He was my hero, always coming to my rescue.That time that I lost my footing climbing the tall theater

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Artist, are you a failure?

What does art-world success look like to you? How do you define failure? If you’re feeling stuck in your art practice because you’re afraid to fail, today’s video is for you. Check it out now and you’ll gain

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Your Muse is Calling

Who is this Muse that we talk about? Where does She come from? What does She want? Is She mythical like a fairy or an elf? Does She have magical powers? Or is She metaphorical in

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