Featured Artists

Meet Working Artist Rochelle Johnson
Rochelle Johnson grabs her inspiration from life. Specializing in oils, she brings vibrancy to paintings that communicate the human experience. Rochelle’s artist journey began like so many artists: at school. “I started off drawing by looking

Meet Working Artist Karen Jilly
Rewind to the Great Recession of 2008. Galleries closed. Art dealers moved on. Curators chased other professions. Karen Jilly, a mid-career artist who unlocks beauty in deceptively ordinary, forgotten cityscapes, suddenly found herself without key trappings

Meet Artist Wayne Brungard
Wayne Brungard is a self-taught metal artist and experienced fabricator. He creates bold custom art that defines space. However Wayne’s journey to becoming a sculptor, from turning his craft into art, took over 40 years and

Meet Working Artist Kim Roberts
Kim Roberts wasn’t always an artist, at least not in the professional sense. A self-described “closet artist” she thought of her art as more of a creative hobby, and not something she considered in terms of

Meet Working Artist Nick Levitin
Photographer Nick Levitin’s first love was the theater. Freshly graduated from Boston University, he returned to New York City in the early 70s to begin his artistic journey as an actor. He also came back to the

This Artist Was Homeless, Until Art Saved Him.
Picture this: trying to start an artistic life with a new spouse, while living inside a tiny caravan. Regardless of the obstacles, things start taking off. You even secure an art agent. But the agent steals

Meet Working Artist Parker Beaudoin
“I’ve become known as The Heart Man. There’s even a heart tattooed right here on the center of my neck,” says the Florida-based painter, gallery owner and tattoo artist Parker Beaudoin cheerfully. As an artist with

Meet Working Artist Wendi Schneider
“I create because I must. It’s the joy and flow of making work that fulfills me and keeps me somewhat sane.” Wendi Schneider is no stranger to the artistic life. It’s in her blood and surrounds

Meet Artist Ann Dunbar
Artist Ann Dunbar says that one of her earliest art memories was having her first painting of a horse framed and proudly hung in the kitchen by her parents. Despite the support from her family, as

Meet Working Artist Tami Bensen
Tami Bensen is an intuitive artist. Working without a plan, her art is about letting go. She paints what comes to her organically, which often reflects those things found in nature. More recently, Tami has been

Meet Working Artist Donna Skaropoulou
Donna Skaropoulou is a painter. Originally from the U.K., she traveled to Greece in her early twenties, and there fell in love with the sounds, scents and colors of Mykonos. She stayed: married, had children, and

Meet Working Artist Leslie Jean-Bart
“Becoming a working artist has literally saved my life.” So admits Haitian-born photographer Leslie Jean-Bart. Now an avowed New Yorker, Leslie has spent the past few years as the sole caretaker of his mother who suffers

Meet Working Artist Gopaal Sen
Prior to quitting his full-time job, artist Gopaal Sen worked the high flying corporate life – travelling 180 nights a year. And yet he still managed to spend his weekends teaching up to 150 art students.

Meet Working Artist Summer Lydick
Summer Lydick is a Working Artist. After receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in drawing and a Master of Arts in painting, Summer continued her work in fine art while developing The Painted Wall, a

Meet Working Artist Adam Cook
Adam Cook is an emerging artist in Beaumont, TX. He drew constantly as a child, but at age ten picked up a guitar and for the next several years, art took a backseat to music. In

Meet Working Artist Tsvetomir lliev
I learned to do the work without expecting anything in return, and to concentrate on the things that I can do now and in the near future. This is how I made the “Jump” with The

Meet Working Artist David Foster
Artist David Foster has had a passion for nature photography for nearly fifty years. He focused heavily on photography during his twenties. Then life carried David through cross-country moves, marriage, kids and thirty years of employment

Meet Working Artist Tom Waters
In a world that often thinks being an artist is not a responsible thing to do, The Working Artist course gave me the ‘permission’ and the confidence to pursue being a full time artist. – Tom