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The Questions Every Artist Must Ask
As artists, we’re constantly questioning ourselves. And questions are good things, it’s important to ask questions. But are you asking the right ones? It’s easy to get caught up in questions such as: Am I good

So You’re An Artist. Now What?
So you’ve taken the jump and chosen to be an artist. Now what? Artists are always telling me what a struggle it is to succeed. They complain that the challenges can be overwhelming. I get

The Artist Who Is “Quick-To-See”
Jaune Quick–to–See Smith is an internationally renowned artist with a seriously impressive bio: Jaune Quick-to-See Smith is one of the most acclaimed American Indian artists today. Reviewed in most art periodicals, Smith has had over

Are You a Liar? Or a Thief?
Have you ever done something that scared the pants off you? When I was new to writing, but determined to succeed, a prospective client asked, “Can you write copy for business websites?” I really, really needed

Enter The Working Artist World
“The true job of an artist is to create an artist,” said art historian Harold Rosenberger. I believe that’s true. Don’t you? Like most artists, the road to creating the artist I am and the artist

How Will Your Art Save The World?
I believe in the power of art. I believe that artists are leaders. And I believe that there has never been a time in our history when art has been so desperately needed. This is a

A Conversation that Will Amaze ARTISTS
This interview was Amazing! Why? Because I was interviewed by Ricardo Canez of the Stay Amazing Podcast. 😉 But seriously, it was a lot of fun; as you’ll realize each time you hear me burst into

How Seth Godin Answered This Artist’s Question
One of my favorite writers is Seth Godin. I’ve been reading his books and blog for years because his advice for creatives is paradigm-changing. But life was throwing me some challenges. I wished I could ask

Working as an Artist in 2021
I recently had the honor of opening the Creative Voyage Summit, hosted by the incredible artist Alexis Cohen. Alexis invited me to set the stage for the summit. So I created a workshop to help artists

The Biggest Questions Artists Ask
Artists live in the realm of magic. But we also live in the real world, often at the fringes of culture. It’s difficult to navigate both worlds and our unique situation gives rise to challenging questions.

Artists in Love
Do you remember the first time that you fell in love with art? I do. I was just registering for college, trying to find who and what I wanted to become. Totally lost, I registered as

How Artists Get Heard Above The Noise
Most artists live extraordinary lives. “Extraordinary” in the sense that they’re outside the norm, the ‘ordinary’ of what other people do. In fact, many artists feel called to live their Truth no matter what the cost.

How Artists Can Change The World
Since this global pandemic began, I’ve been calling for artists to lead. But how can an artist lead when confined to their house with no resources? How can an artist lead when the whole world seems

Art is Our Drug of Choice
Do you have a mentor? An Elder Artist who encourages you and shares words of wisdom? I do. My friend Jaune Quick-to-See Smith is a Native American artist whose powerful paintings have been awarded and featured

How To Respond To Negative Feedback
Every creative person I know has certain things in common. We crave feedback. We want our work to be seen and we desperately want to know what our work says to the viewer. At the same time,

Meet Working Artist Karen Jilly
Rewind to the Great Recession of 2008. Galleries closed. Art dealers moved on. Curators chased other professions. Karen Jilly, a mid-career artist who unlocks beauty in deceptively ordinary, forgotten cityscapes, suddenly found herself without key trappings

Meet Artist Wayne Brungard
Wayne Brungard is a self-taught metal artist and experienced fabricator. He creates bold custom art that defines space. However Wayne’s journey to becoming a sculptor, from turning his craft into art, took over 40 years and

The Universe Gives you What You Need
I travelled the world, only to find myself back where I began 7 years ago. It’s been 7 years since that day someone made the offhand remark, “Don’t you wish you could sell it all and