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How to find an audience for your art

How to Build an Audience for Your Art

One of the biggest challenges artists face when marketing their art is building an audience. If you’re struggling with this, you’re certainly not alone! Recently I led a private workshop with a group of artists. During

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8 Female Artists You Need to Know

Art history is full of stories about famous white men who created breathtaking art – but what about the female artists who have made an impact in the art world? Women have been historically discouraged from

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Podcasts for artists

My Favorite Podcasts For Artists

There’s no denying that podcasts have become uber-popular over the last few years. Doesn’t it seem like everyone’s got one now? There’s certainly no shortage of inspiring podcasts for artists. If you want to listen and

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Organization for Artists

I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather hang out with The Muse and make stuff than create an inventory. I think we can all agree on that. But anyone can chase inspiration, that’s the

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How Artists Find Their Voice

“Hey Crista, how do I develop originality and find my voice in the artwork?” one artist recently asked. “Do you have any tips?” I do! There are several things that artists can do to find their own

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A Photographer’s Guide to Instagram

A Photographer’s Guide to Instagram

Instagram has become an enormously popular social media platform. And this visual app is positively viral amongst photographers. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbiest chasing the perfect photo, Instagram is the ideal platform to post,

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