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Portrait of Crista Cloutier

How to Work with an Art Coach

If you’re an artist, you already know how important it is to keep learning. Curiosity is the artist’s calling card, and devotion to craft is what separates the professionals from the dilettantes. But don’t stop at

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Crista Recording Artist Podcasts

Artist Podcasts

I’m still working on putting my own podcast together. It’s a huge project, and is going to take some time. The Working Artist: A Step by Step Guide from Feather to Wings doesn’t have a launch date

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Art Fair visitors

Art Fair Report: Art Expo NYC

I’m just back from Art Expo New York and it really hit home for me how important these events have become. FACT: Did you know that more art is now being sold at art fairs than

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Cyber-Security for Artists

It’s a sign of the times. We’ve all got to be more vigilant about cyber-security. In fact, just a few days ago, January 28th, was Data Privacy Day. How did you celebrate? But seriously, for artists it’s

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Podcasts for artists

My Favorite Podcasts for Artists

Yes, I am still listening to podcasts for artists like crazy. Yes, I want to continue to share what I’m listening to with you! And yes, it’s going to be awhile before my own podcast is

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Crista Cloutier cooking

More Podcasts for Artists

Why am I showing off a hot pan in this picture? Read all the way through today’s message and you’ll find out! I want you to know that I’m still working on putting my own podcast

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Crista Recording Artist Podcasts

Podcasts for Artists

We are all in this together! Let’s remember that first and foremost. And as we each hunker down and work to stay healthy during this challenging time, let’s also work to stay positive. Now that I

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How To Work With Art Galleries

I think that we can all agree that it’s difficult to break into the art business. Emerging artists usually have little sales or exhibition experience and often struggle to find art gallery doors that will open.

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My Top 10 Tips for Art Fair Success

Artists all over the world rely on art fairs and festivals to promote their brand and sell their products. Many artists depend on these events for their livelihood, and many do very well. According to the

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Crista Cloutier looking through camera

How To Sell Your Photographs

I once had an art gallery that showed a lot of photographic work and I also ran a studio where we collaborated with many highly successful photographers. So I understand the photography market and how to

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Artist Career Info

When it comes to representing their work, artists are often their own worst enemy. For example, when I ran an art gallery, I’d receive dozens of emails each day from artists I’d never met. The messages

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Artist Workshops

If you’re an artist you already know how important it is to keep learning. Curiosity is the artist’s calling card, and devotion to craft is what separates the professionals from the dilettantes. But don’t stop at

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Why Artists Are Always Right

Hello, my name is Crista Cloutier and I am an obsessive list-maker. To be fair, lists have gotten me pretty far. It’s been a few years now since I first started dreaming of creating an online

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The Truth About Professional Artists

Last weekend I learned an awful lot about the professional life of artists. I attended a conference that focused on arts graduates and how they’re faring in this changing economy. What I learned may surprise you.

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The Wisdom of Great Artists

I am a lucky girl. I’ve spent my career surrounded by great artists, photographers, writers and poets. People whose names are known and works celebrated, others equally talented who remain unknown. Most artists are absolutely lovely

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Important info for all living artists

A recent study of aging artists in New York City reveals that “artists are in many respects a model for society, maintaining strong social networks and an astonishing resilience as they age.” However, 61% of professional visual

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