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How to define art

How To Describe Your Art

Too often, people outside of the art world get confused when confronted with art. They’re afraid that it means something secret, something they don’t understand. Many times they walk away, not because they don’t like it

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How do art galleries work

How Do Art Galleries Work?

Emerging artists often ask me, ‘How do art galleries work?.’ Many artists wonder if galleries are still relevant? I tell them that even though the internet has made it easier than ever for artists to share

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Advice For Artists Feeling Stuck

Do you feel like you’re creatively ‘stuck’? Have you lost your momentum and flow? If you’re struggling to keep the faith and The Muse has all but abandoned you, watch my video. In it, I share my

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Stage initiation artist

The Artist’s 6 Stages of Initiation

In business school, they talk about The 6 Stages of Entrepreneurship. But in art school, they don’t even use the word entrepreneur. They should. Artists are entrepreneurs. That’s the truth. And it’s the difference between the

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Footsteps in the sand

Little-Teeny-Tiny Steps

If I had a nickel for every time I couldn’t move forward because of money, or because there simply wasn’t enough time… but I decided to stop letting those things that I cannot control decide my

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sell your art

4 Surprising Places to Sell Your Art

Artist, are you limiting yourself to traditional galleries, museums and art fairs to sell your art? Or maybe you’ve ventured online? While these are good places to start, there are so many more opportunities to sell

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How to find an audience for your art

How to Build an Audience for Your Art

One of the biggest challenges artists face when marketing their art is building an audience. If you’re struggling with this, you’re certainly not alone! Recently I led a private workshop with a group of artists. During

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8 Female Artists You Need to Know

Art history is full of stories about famous white men who created breathtaking art – but what about the female artists who have made an impact in the art world? Women have been historically discouraged from

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