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How Artists Make Wishes Come True
For years, I wished that I could work as an artist. Don’t we all have wishes? We wonder what life would be like, imagining who we might become and what we would have if only….

Why Artists Don’t Need Something To Fall Back On
I’m always telling artists to jump, to take a leap of faith. Faith in themselves, faith in their work. But it’s not always pretty, the jump is rarely a graceful leap from one side

Does your family hate your art?
It’s not impossible to live the artist’s life without the recognition of your loved ones, but it can be exhausting. Don’t forget that people have their own reasons for their feelings. Everyone is telling themselves

This Defines an Artist
But what about all the bad stuff that happens to artists? Get over it. No, seriously. Bad stuff is part of the deal in art. Promises will be broken. Calls won’t be returned. Sales will

Who Do You Think You Are?
Who do you think you are? How many of us are afraid to say who we are and what we want? Afraid of disappointing our parents, our friends, lovers, colleagues? Almost every artist battles the accusing

The Monster Who Hijacks Artists’ Dreams
Every artist’s journey tells a story. And every story has an antagonist. The story of your artist’s journey is no different. The antagonist is the adversary, the opponent. It’s what comes between the hero and her desire.

What Money Means in the Art-World
In the art world, people often think that the more money you make, the more talented you are as an artist. But as someone who helps artists succeed financially, I want to set the record

Have You Pushed PAUSE On Creativity?
An artist recently spoke with me about her work. She tearfully admitted that she’d been too busy to create new work of any substance. She was afraid. Afraid she won’t be able to connect with the

For Artists Who Crave Feedback
As artists, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, seeking validation and feedback, wondering if our art resonates with the world. Do you ever feel that way? I made this video to share with you

On your mark. Get set. Go!
I’m always encouraging artists to JUMP. But what does that even mean? The jump is about following your heart. If you recognize your heart as the very best of yourself, and you acknowledge that this is

Do You Hear That? It’s Life Asking You A Question.
What do you want to do when you grow up? Do you think we ever stop asking ourselves that question? It seems to be one of life’s great mysteries. When I was young I yearned to

When Artists Lack Motivation
An artist asked how to fill his time when he didn’t feel particularly motivated or inspired to make something? I know that many artists sometimes struggle to find inspiration. I suggested that he use this

The Truth About Success For Artists
Artist, you cannot fail. What if that were true? What would you do differently if you knew that artists can’t ever fail? Well, guess what? It is true. It’s a success just to be

What the Blind Artist Saw
Have you ever felt like your creativity wasn’t flowing? Maybe life wasn’t working out? Nothing was going according to plan? Have you ever struggled to keep the faith? In times of crisis I look

How Artists Create Self-Confidence
Have you ever found yourself questioning if you’re good enough? Or maybe you overthink something you did or something you said? Sometimes we get stuck in those thoughts, wondering about the judgments and opinions

Magic Words to Create Your Greatest Masterpiece
As artists, we are CREATORS. And your life is your greatest creation. In his brilliant book Negative/Positive, Bill Jay wrote that artists are people who strive to become actually who they are potentially. To become actually

Are You Choosing Through Fear? Or From Truth?
An artist recently told me that for years there was a battle inside her head as both hemispheres of her brain struggled to control her fate. The right side of her brain screamed to be an

The 8-Year Old Artist’s Message
It was Day 16 of my crowd-funding campaign and I had only cried in public once. Twice. Online crowd-funding is not for the faint of heart. This was a several years ago, when I was raising