Free Inspiration

Jaune Quick-To-See Smith: Art was her drug of choice
I want to share a story with you today about an extraordinary artist who changed my life and the lives of countless others – Jaune Quick-To-See Smith.
When Artists Feel Rejection
Every artist experiences rejection. Even artists who hit The Big Time. Even artists like you. Even artists like me.

4 Words That Changed This Artist’s Life (and Could Change Yours)
I want to share a story with you – one that began with a barefoot teacher, a terrified young artist, and four simple words scribbled in a yearbook.

What It Means To Work As An Artist
Watch this to learn how the most successful artists navigate the creative journey during difficult times.

Artists and Day Jobs: A necessary evil or liberating opportunity?
The vast majority of artists I work with are looking for ways to sell art online and off. They dream of one day becoming a full-time artist and having their artwork pay their bills. Are you

He was an Art-World Decision Maker
I first met him years ago at the party of a well-known artist. The artist introduced us saying, “Michael is my London dealer.” He looked too young to be an art dealer. His handshake was wilted

The Royal Society of Art
I’m truly honored to share this news: I was recently made a Fellow of Great Britain’s Royal Society of Art! My journey has now come full circle. My mentor Bill Jay, was British and he had

How to Price Art
Are You Pricing Your Art Wrong? Knowing how to price your art can be really intimidating. Trust me I know. It’s one of the things that artists ask me about the most. Do you price your
Art Students Asks These Questions
Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of university art students. They always impress me; eager to learn, explore, and ready to change the world. But they’re also scared and unsure if the world will welcome

The Best Way to Make $ From Your Art in 2025
Learn the surprising truth about making money from your art.

What Is An Artist Coach?
I was in London, on my way back to the hotel after dinner. At the train station, I asked the man next to me which train to take. We were headed in the same direction, so
The Artist Manifesto
Let me ask you a question, Artist to Artist What kind of world do you want to live in? I believe that the world is changing and this is a true opportunity for artists to

How Artists Make More Money: In 2 Words
I was recently talking with a group of artists about finding success. Someone asked me this question: Crista, how can I make more money working as an artist? In this video, I share my answer

The Artist’s Struggle with Self Confidence
Artists struggle with self-confidence all the time. Do you? Seriously, as an artist, you are always putting the most personal, the most vulnerable, the most subjective parts of yourself forward. Everybody has an opinion

The End of Procrastination
Do you procrastinate? Procrastination is a word I often hear artists use. But procrastination can be more than just postponing tasks and projects. It can become a reason to turn against yourself, to bring all of your

Artist: The Best Choice You Can Make
Have you ever found yourself questioning if you’re good enough? Have you found yourself overthinking something you did or said? Or wondering why you didn’t get the result you wanted? Are the judgments and opinions

The Gift My Dad Gave Me
Do you remember when you first knew that you were an artist? I do. It began when my Dad gave me a gift. Let me explain. My parents were divorced and Dad lived far away. Though

A Retrospective of Your Art
Do you recognize this museum exhibition? I shared this picture a few years ago after I wandered into a museum gallery and discovered an exhibition of my art! Well, not my art exactly. It was a