
An Important Question For Artists

Who am I?

That’s a question every artist needs to ask themselves often.

Because it’s who you are as an artist that will guide you through the ups and downs, twists and turns of this crazy path we’ve chosen.

Who are you?

When I asked that question of myself recently, I answered that my artwork is about the artist’s journey, and my life is about living it.

My medium is visual narrative. I publish my stories and photographs about being an artist. Sometimes I perform them.

But mostly I live them.

You see, it’s through my life as a vagabond artist that I get my best material.

So I travel. A lot. And I connect with other artists wherever I go. They’re my greatest inspiration.

In my past life, I had a big career as an international arts dealer, curator, and documentary filmmaker.

Today I’m the founder of The Working Artist, an online educational experience where I guide other artists through their own journey as working artists.

For these next few months, I’ll be writing to you from France. I’ve secluded myself in a little cottage in the Provençal countryside to focus on delivering some new surprises for you:

  • The Working Artist’s Art Fair Essentials This will be a brand new workshop for artists who are interested in learning about art fairs. Watch for it!


  • The Working Artist Sessions I don’t know why you became an artist, but I’m in it for the conversations.

Don’t you agree that artists tend to skip the mundane and go right for the important stuff when we get together? That’s why I’m creating this new podcast series. It’s about the conversations artists have.

The Working Artist Sessions will be a podcast series like no other. I can’t wait to start sharing it with you. Soon!

  • First You Jump: Use Your Creativity to Fly This is the reason you haven’t heard from me in awhile. I’m writing a book.

I won’t say too much more because I’m still in the thick of it. But I have every intention of sharing some sneak peeks with you here.

2018 is going to be a powerful year for this working artist and I hope to help make it special for you as well, because it’s your artist’s journey that inspires mine.


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