
At the start of this year, I invited a small group of artists to undertake a Vision Quest with me.

We worked closely together over the course of several weeks and it was amazing to watch the powerful changes that transpired.

At the end of the Vision Quest, the artists interviewed one another about their work and art practice. Today, I’m sharing the interview of artist Laura Shape.

Laura works with the skins of invasive animal species as her medium. Watch this fascinating interview to learn:

  • How losing all of her creative work sent her down a new creative path

  • Her belief that experimentation is part of being an artist

  • How art brings purpose

  • How she identifies her audience

  • Why her collectors feel good about investing in her work

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the lovely and talented Working Artist, Laura Shape.



PS. To learn more about Laura and her unique work, visit her website here.
PSS. I am creating a new Vision Quest group for the autumn. If you’re interested in applying, visit the website here. 
Laura’s advice to artists who are thinking of joining the Vision Quest is simple: “Do it. That’s not just marketing speak… You can see everyone’s progress each week… all of us getting bigger… It’s miraculous… I owe it all to this group.”
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