
Last Chance!

If you have a big dream that you’re ready to realize, this is the time to make it happen. Take action now.

Quick tip: The most successful artists I know all have one thing in common – they treat their art like a business.

Here’s how you can start doing that today:

Start tracking your time and expenses for each piece of art you create.

Keep a simple spreadsheet noting hours spent, materials used, and any other costs (like shipping or framing).

This will help you accurately price your work, understand your profit margins, and make informed decisions about which projects to pursue. Plus, it’s a great habit for tax season!

Speaking of art and business, B-School’s doors are closing this Friday, July 26th. This program won’t be available again until 2025, and I’d hate for you to miss out on this opportunity to transform your art career.

Why consider B-School?

· Many artists have turned their creative pursuits into highly profitable businesses after B-School.

· You’ll discover how to effectively promote your art and reach a wider audience. (These are the tactics I use for my own marketing)

· Learn how to create a website that attracts clients and sells your work, even while you sleep.

· Overcome the “starving artist” mindset and learn to value your work appropriately.

· Join a supportive community of like-minded creatives: Connect with other artists who are also building successful businesses.

· Many B-School graduates report selling their art internationally and building a global customer base.

‟All artists should do B-School. In just 3 weeks I was paid equal to what I made last year in 5 months.”

NOUSHA SALIMI, Artist, New York City

If you enroll in B-School through me, you’ll also receive:

  • A complimentary in-depth Professional Strategy Session (valued at $899)

  • Free lifetime membership to my upcoming “Artist Prosperity Lab: The Creative Path to Financial Liberation” (valued at $499)

I thrived after completing B-School. I was able to move to Europe and create a whole new life. I’ve seen many other artists thrive after B-School too. I believe you can join us. This is your chance to invest in your own artistic future.

Still have questions? Feel free to email me. I’m here to help you make the best decision for yourself.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Whether you join B-School or not, I’m grateful for your support and excited to see your artistic journey unfold.

‟My husband quit his day job to work full time with me. We doubled our annual income and can now fully pay the bills with what we sell.”

Amy Leila Skrocki, Interdisciplinary Artist

P.S. Remember, this offer ends Friday. If this is something that truly interests you, don’t let the opportunity slip away.

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