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Jason coaching call cover

Websites and Branding For Working Artists

I just wrapped up an incredible coaching call with Jason Sikes about Websites and Branding For Working Artists. We talked about the importance of having a solid website as an artist, and how it can make all the difference in building your career.

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Sell art locally

How To Sell Your Art Locally

Wondering how to sell your art locally? With so much emphasis on selling online, it’s no wonder many of you have overlooked the advantages of selling your art locally. But selling your art locally can be

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Crista Cloutier

What Is An Artist Coach?

I was in London, on my way back to the hotel after dinner. At the train station, I asked the man next to me which train to take. We were headed in the same direction, so

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When Artists Feel Rejection

Every artist experiences rejection. Even artists who hit Big Time. Even artists like you. Even artists like me. That’s why I understand when artists say they’re suffering. Rejection never feels good. It happened to me recently.

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What Am I Doing?

   What am I doing? I’m working. What am I working on? So glad you asked. I’m really excited because I’m working on a new project for artists. It’s really unique and it’s really exciting.

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AI: Death of Art?

Have you read the news,? They’re predicting that artists are being replaced by robots. That art as we know it is dead. Artificial Intelligence, they call it. A.I. But what is AI? During a recent Coaching Call,

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How to become a professional artist

How To Become A Professional Artist

Like many creatives, you want to become a full-time professional artist one day. Isn’t that the dream? But the path to becoming a professional artist isn’t clear. They don’t teach entrepreneurial skills in art school. There’s

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Neon sign that says the work

How Amateur Artists Go Pro

What’s an artist to do when confronted with the complexities of a creative life? Create a new picture. Work through the blocks between where you are now and where you want to be. “But Crista,” you say.

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