
Established Artists:
Investing in Real Change

Are you an established artist facing professional challenges?

Are you yearning for meaningful feedback?

Do you wish for an honest appraisal of your art practice?

Then you may be an ideal candidate
for my Creative Career Catalyst session.

As seen in:

My name is Crista Cloutier. I’ve spent my career in the art business; working with artists who are blue-chip, mid-career, and just emerging.

I’ve personally sold over $10 million in art to collectors and galleries, and have placed work in nearly every major museum in the USA.

Today, I’ve trained artists in over 60 countries to do the same.

In short:

  • I understand where you’re at and what you’re going through.
  • I can show you exactly what it takes to get to the other side.
Picture of Crista Cloutier

“I feel like my business has a whole new life now. I’m much more confident in asking for the price that I want with my work, and I am finding that collectors are willing to pay it! My time with Crista gave me a greater sense of confidence, a better sense of direction, and a feeling that I AM an artist.

Crista is so easy to talk to, she never judges, it’s like talking to a sister. And I loved the fact that she’s an artist as well, she really understood my concerns, fears, and challenges. Crista is ‘in the ring’ with us.”

Crystal Lockwood,

What exactly is the Creative Career Catalyst session?

It begins with an intake session to maximize results. You’ll send me your marketing materials and answer a series of questions. I’ll dive deep into your work before we even meet.

Then we’ll spend an intensive 90-minute session together. This is an individualized, private, roll-up-your-sleeves online meeting focused on your work and your goals.

No one will be watching the clock! We’ll keep talking until you feel 100% clear, confident and ready to roll.

Each session is uniquely tailored to your needs and challenges.

Some of the ways I love to help artists include:

  • Identifying a road map for your career, where you want to go and the best way to get there.

  • Creating systems to free your time and stop feeling overwhelmed.

  • Transforming your website or online gallery into a 24-hour sales machine.

  • Identifying your audience and transforming them into raving fans.

  • Create authentic branding that feels sustainable.

  • Building a social-media strategy that connects you to the right people.

  • Give insightful feedback on your materials, prices and work.

If you choose to work with me, be prepared for breakthroughs and tangible results. I’ll bring fresh air, a career’s worth of experience, and my integrity.

“Initially, I was hesitant to spend the money on a one-on-one online meeting with Crista. But walking through my materials and brainstorming next steps together was incredibly helpful. After our meeting, I felt super-motivated and confident.

Crista helped me to focus on the things that would most help me achieve my goal. And it’s been effective.

Since our time together, I was accepted into a one-year residency program. I’ve delivered two Visiting Artist talks. I had four pieces in a group exhibition. And I’m going to be teaching two workshops in NYC. Most importantly, I am now able to use my time to focus on making art”

Elizabeth Castaldo,
New York.

Your Creative Career Catalyst session is an investment of $999 $899*.

Spaces are limited.

*The Creative Career Catalyst session is a non-refundable investment.

After our meeting, I will continue to be a resource for you in the future, to answer questions and offer support.

“If you’re thinking of working with Crista – go for it!
It will be worth it.”

Majie Lavergne

Are You Ready to Invest in Real Change?

I have a question for Crista.

(email here)

Want to discuss it? Book a free chat with Crista here.


To learn more about Crista’s professional background, watch the video!

“Working one-on-one with Crista created a paradigm shift. I immediately started seeing my work and my career in a different light. I recommend the Creative Career Catalyst session to other artists.”

Wayne Brungard

“Crista cares about artists’ success. Since our session, I’ve felt more confidence in my work and conviction in my practice.

It was helpful to talk with Crista because she understands the art market. So if you’re having trouble, I recommend you speak to someone who knows the business.”

Rochelle Johnson

The Creative Career Catalyst session is right for you if:

  • You have an exhibition or sales history but you’re not sure what to do next?

  • You’re unclear how to navigate the changes in the art-world.

  • You’ve sold your work but taken a break and aren’t sure how to begin again.

  • You’ve set a big goal and want support attaining it.

The Creative Career Catalyst session is NOT right for you if:

  • You haven’t yet learned how to create your marketing materials. (This Masterclass might be a better choice for you)

  • You’re looking for someone to hold you accountable.

  • You believe someone else should handle all the business stuff for you.

  • You aren’t willing to put the WORK into being a working artist.

Are You Ready to Invest in Real Change?

I have a question for Crista
(email here)

Crista has worked with some of the best:

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